The use of Magnetic Jewelry for a wide array of health conditions has been prevalent since 980-1037 AD. Its ability to help improve blood circulation makes it an all-natural tool to regulate our body’s physiological functions. Although you may encounter a lot of information about magnetic jewelry online, nothing beats hearing testimonials straight from other customers who tried Superior Magnetics and may or may not have experienced relief themselves. This page is dedicated to you.

I wouldn’t be able to work without them. I have no pain my my right elbow anymore. It took about 2 weeks for total relief. He purchased an anklet and came back to report “Took about 10 minutes for my back and my leg to start to feel better

I got the bracelet in 2014. I type all day long. I LOVE IT! It’s been extremely durable. I don’t have pain any more

I used to wake up 4-5times per night. Now I sleep through the night. I tried taking it off and I still slept well for about 5 nights, but then I started to have problems again. I put the bracelet back on and slept well again.

My hands were full of arthritis. I would cry at night, the pain was so difficult. I had been independent all my life and wanted to stay that way as long as possible. I cared for my husband at home, until his passing…and then I wasn’t able to care for myself. I had taken all the pain medications my doctor recommended to me for the arthritis, but none of them worked. I had gone through soaking my hands, as prescribed by a healthcare practitioner, but that didn’t work either. One day, my daughters were at the Oregon State Fair (August 2015) and came by Shu’s booth. They talked a bit about my struggle. My daughters wanted to help…somehow…and that seemed like a last resort to them. They had heard about magnets, but never realized they came with strengths. My girls purchased a Scottsdale bracelet for me. They gave it to me the next day. It took about two days and my hands were pain free. I had been using a cane and a walker around the house for months. I’d just sit in my chair, not being able to do anything like I used to. This bracelet just brought me back to life…I didn’t like just sitting in a chair. I didn’t want to go to assisted living. Now, I’m able to go outside and be in my yard doing things again. Before, it took me both hands to just hold my cup of coffee. Thank you for what you sell. It has helped me so much.

I had severe carpal tunnel in both wrists. I used to hang my arms over the side of the bed, hoping the blood flow would get to my wrist and give me some pain relief. The burn was so painful. My doctors told me magnets were a scam and that I needed surgery in both wrists. I did NOT want to get “Cut”. I was willing to try alternatives. I purchased magnetic bracelets from the Superior Magnetics booth at the Marin County Fair many years ago. I got pain relief and had never had the surgery. I said to Shu, the owner, “YOUR MAGNETS WORKED. I’M VERY HAPPY!” I wear my bracelets all the time. Awhile back, I had gotten an inexpensive magnetic anklet from another source. It fell off and I found the quality and strength inferior to what I purchased from Shu. So, in September 2015, I telephoned to order a Scottsdale anklet. I found Superior Magnetics’ bracelets’ strength and quality to be superior to other products. I appreciate the great looks and performance over the long run.

Last year, I purchased Superior Magnetics’ Oval X SG anklet and hasn't taken it off since. I had a bad knee, along with a difficult bunion on a hammer toe, that affected my ability to hike and walk my dogs in comfort. It took about a week of wearing and I was totally pain free. I walk 4 miles with my dogs everyday now. I was also able to do a 20 mile trek through the Grand Canyon without any pain. I've got my life back! Thank you!"

The customer service we received was way up and beyond what we are used to. We REALLY appreciated that. Just to let you know, my headache has not come back at all. Of course it has been less than 24 hours. My pain in my upper neck is better. And of course I have had it for many, many years. So I don't expect it to be gone in a day. This necklace will stay on My neck , ( no matter how many times my husband says, he wants to try it), teehee. Thanks again.

Hello Cricket, First let me say I have heard so many wonderful things about you from our awesome mutual friends Wendy & Sandra. We too love & adore them both. I swear those girls take such good care of me, it's unbelievable what they do for me. You do know, they took Sandra's magnets right off her ankles & put them right on mine because they had hopes it would help's that for the best loving friends in the world??? Smile! But "YES" of course you can use my comments for anything you like. I must tell you that I have been dumbfounded by the miraculous marvel I have been experiencing with your magnets. Cricket, I have had nonstop pain in my feet & ankles for almost a year, not to mention the knee pain. I have not been able to do much exercise in this last year & it has caused me to gain about 30 pounds. I'm sure you know the extra weight only adds more pain to your body. I have been putting "pain cream" on my feet, ankles & legs almost everyday to get by as normal as possible. I think I may also have some type of Arthritis in my feet because they burn like they are on fire. (My Mother had it very bad) One week & one day ago my sweet friends put your amazing ankle bracelets on me to try. I thought okay I'll give it a try. It has been astonishing how well I feel, I went out last Thursday morning to go for a walk (FYI before my foot surgeries I loved to jog) but that morning my feet & ankles were not hurting. I thought what's going on, I feel pretty good.... Hmmmmm.... maybe I can jog a few yards today. I started off very slow on my old jogging route of 3 miles.....I made it 2 1/2 miles that day....pain FREE! I only stopped because I was afraid I would not be able to walk for the rest of the week. I could not believe it, my pain level was so low that I also took my little dog out for an additional mile. Almost pain free since. Yesterday early morning, for the first time in several years I was able to walk down my staircase like a normal person. I even called out to my husband to come see. I have been going up & down the stair case like a very old person, holding on to the railing & taking one step at a time. The only thing I did different this week was wear your magnets, I just can't believe it. Every time I stand up I'm so afraid it's going to be over & the pain will be back, but it's not. I have went jogging 4 days in a row & I feel great. I will take it slow & not over do it as you suggest, but I am so excited to feel normal again. Thank you so much. We would love to meet you someday, like I said Wendy speaks so highly of you.

Just what I was looking for!!

Thanks. I love it and my arthritis pain is gone

I love my bracelets and it has helped my hand so much thank you

Put it on and my hand started tingling. In a few hours most of the pain was gone

I really like the colors of my new bracelet. I have gotten black hematite before, but I like the white better. It is a very attractive bracelet and the magnet is quite strong which I like.

This bracelet looks great, and it has also improved my general health. I have more energy, and my circulation is better.

Not had a single nighttime leg cramp since putting on the bracelet.

I bought a couple of mag braclets from you and a zapper. I have been wearing them for less than two full days and my elbows are 90% better. Awesome results. Thanks again

I am surprised at how good a stainless steel bracelet looks. It may be a little early to say if it has helped me physically, but I do feel emotionally better overall with a clearer focus to my thoughts which may be because all the background pain is somewhat diminished. I have not taken it off since first putting it on and shower and wash my hands without any problems as it dries very quickly. I am able to push it up on my wrist just like I can my watch, and that keeps it from getting wet as much. So far I enjoy wearing this.

I have Fibromyalgia and this bracelet really helps me with my pain. Bracelet also looks so nice ! Very happy with the product. I bought an ankle bracelet which I also love.

Only took a few hours for my arm cramps to stop with this bracelet and it looks good too - win/win.

Great looking and relieved my arthritis pain

I have used Gaussian therapy for joint and muscle pain reduction and relief. This bracelet provides that relief and is attractive as well as effective. I get compliment each time I wear it.

I've had other, cheaper magnetic bracelets and know what they can do for my arthritis. This is the first one I've had that I like to show off. It doesn't look like a magnetic bracelet. I get compliments on it almost every time I wear it. I would recommend this bracelet to all, especially if you have a severe form or rheumatoid arthritis.

From taking pain medication three times a day to only occasionally when the atmospheric pressure drops radically I am over the moon. Within minutes of putting on the braclet the burning sensation in my hand had abated. I find it difficult to express just how grateful I am.


While I haven't had these long enough to tell if they make a difference in my health, I will say that they arrived immediately and they are very attractive and comfortable. It helped to have read the sizing instructions before ordering (added extra length to wrist and kept it steady on the ankle.) Also I thought the ankle bracelet might irritate my leg but it shortly becomes un-noticeable.

The bracelet is beautiful, fits expertly, and is truly helping with the pain that I have in my hand. I would highly recommend it!

I have just worn mine just a day and love it. Seemed to work after a few hours of wear. I love it and looks great.

I bought a couple of mag braclets from you and a zapper. I have been wearong them less than a week and my hand is pain free.

This is a beautiful and very high quality bracelet that fits perfectly. I am very happy with my purchase and would recommend this vendor to anyone.

I am still having some numbness and pain in my hand. The last magnet bracelet I had took care of all of the numbness and pain in my hand. :(