Piezoelectric Stimulator for Pain Relief
Piezoelectric Stimulation of acupuncture points has been used in the medical profession. The Piezoelectric Stimulator can be used for any inflammatory condition. The Piezo-stimulator uses an electric spark that re-establishes electrical flow reducing inflammation. The Piezo-Stimulator is good for 30,000 discharges, uses no batteries or AC current. We us a Chinese acupuncture technique called circle the dragon. Simple press the red button on and around the inflamed area 10-20 times. In Asian medicine it is blocked electrical flow or Chi that causes blood stagnation and resulting inflammation. Our body is a bio-electric system. Electricity is produced throughout the body from organs such as the heart, the brain and each individual cell. The body also generates voltaic current by muscular contraction and neural stimulation Stress, injury and age cause tissue to become depleted of electrons and negative ions. The Piezo-stimulator restores this balance. Acupuncture treatment is based on stimulating specific areas of the body with needles to generate electric current for relieving pain. The Supeiormagnetics.com Piezo Stimulator is handmade by me in the good old USA.
20 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Piezo Stimulator
I bought one of these at the fair MANY years ago. It really works on my triggering fingers and in general my sore hands. I decided to get another one as a back-up because I don’t want to be without this amazing tool. Thanks for continuing to make them.
Super Product! I've been using this for over 20 years. Never been disappointed.
Will continue to purchase as needed and recommend.
Piezo electric stimulator
I had one of these once before but lost it.Glad i could find a place where i could buy another one.It works great!
Thanks for a good product it works very well for me I had one that was over twenty years old and it finally quit so glad I was able to find one the woks just as that one did thank you
Pain Zapper
This device really works. I bought a similar one 28 years ago, and replaced it last year with this one. Now my wife has taken this one over and is totally pleased with the pain relief in her left knee, shoulders and neck. Thank you Superior Mag.
Great Amazing Product - 5 Stars For Sure
I have been looking to buy this product again and finally found it. I have found that after a few sessions of zaps on the affected area, gave relief for the gliches of pain that showed up in my body when i have put too much strain on that area of my body. Gets my body up and running the way it should function and run and the gliches of pain are gone.
Amazing Results
I first tried this when a friend suggested I use it for Dupuytren's contracture in my hand. After 1 session of about 20 zaps it appeared that the tight cords under the skin smoothed out. I purchased one for myself and have used it several times with even greater results. I still find it hard to believe how simple and effective this treatment is, but the results are there.
Great new model
Misplaced mine that I have had for years. So I went looking for another one. This new one works a lot easier than the old one.
We use it in our clinic
We use a therapy called Acutherapy in our clinic. We also teach this course and have students using the device. We have tried searching the globe to find a decent unit that has a good spark and last a long time. We are fortunate to have Shu carry a wonderful product so we can continue to use it.