Piezoelectric Stimulator for Pain Relief
Piezoelectric Stimulation of acupuncture points has been used in the medical profession. The Piezoelectric Stimulator can be used for any inflammatory condition. The Piezo-stimulator uses an electric spark that re-establishes electrical flow reducing inflammation. The Piezo-Stimulator is good for 30,000 discharges, uses no batteries or AC current. We us a Chinese acupuncture technique called circle the dragon. Simple press the red button on and around the inflamed area 10-20 times. In Asian medicine it is blocked electrical flow or Chi that causes blood stagnation and resulting inflammation. Our body is a bio-electric system. Electricity is produced throughout the body from organs such as the heart, the brain and each individual cell. The body also generates voltaic current by muscular contraction and neural stimulation Stress, injury and age cause tissue to become depleted of electrons and negative ions. The Piezo-stimulator restores this balance. Acupuncture treatment is based on stimulating specific areas of the body with needles to generate electric current for relieving pain. The Supeiormagnetics.com Piezo Stimulator is handmade by me in the good old USA.
20 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
The Best Ever!
I have had several simulators in the past including the original from many years ago. This is the strongest by far. I keep it with me always and I ordered a back up just in case I lose it! I highly recommend it! Great for muscle cramps, balancing and pain relief.
Hoping for more control of pain and mobility.
Have used the stimulator and it has been helpful for pain in knees and heal of foot. Hoping for more control of pain and mobility as I use it daily and overtime. Want to buy a second one so that I'm never without it. Would recommend you give it a try.
love it
This product is amazing. My husband and I have gotten immediate relief from pain in our hands.
Knee & back pain very minimal. Love the stimulator. Have already recommended it to several friends. It's so compact, I carry it where ever I go.
have used for myself and wife with great results
I have had a problem with an injury to the bursa in my left leg for several years. Since using this stimulator every morning the pain is nearly gone, even with walking the dog for 12 blocks. Thanks for making this wonderful product available to us.
I love this product! It is stronger then the one I had before which I like and it is a great price. I highly recommend it !
Amazing pain relief
The Piezoelectric Stimulator provides relief within 10-20 minutes after using the device. Excellent for the cessation of muscle spasm, lower back or hip pain, and migraine. A truly indispensable device for me!
I am an acupuncturist and originally acquired this device by curiosity since the US Navy is testing its efficiency on pain management. It does seem to work, strongly built and no need of battery, great!